Systemic Enzymes

If you have scars or pockmarks that have recently occurred from acne, you may be able to clear them by using a product called Vitalzym.

You're not going to hear this from your doctor or dermatologist, but systemic enzymes, such as serapeptase, which is found in Vitalzym, can remove excess fibrin, which makes up scar tissue that forms acne pockmarks.

Systemic enzymes have a different function from digestive enzymes. Systemic enzymes work in body organs, tissue, skin, and joints to remove excess fibrin, which accumulates in these areas. Systemic enzymes,

* Bring nutrient to damaged area 
* Enhance wellness 
* Help to speed repair of damage tissue 
* Improves blood and lymphatic circulation 
* Reduce inflammation 
* Remove waste products 
* Stimulate immune system

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes, however, are used to help you digest food that you eat. If you eat mostly processed foods, these foods don't have digestive enzymes to help digest them selves. Your body has to pull them from deep within your body to digest food in your stomach or intestines.

Over many years of eating processed food instead of live food, like raw fruits and vegetables, your digestive enzyme supply will diminish and you will not digest food as good as when you were younger.

Supplementing your diet with digestive enzymes and taking them with every meal will insure that you digest your food properly. This will reduce the amount of undigested food that gets into the colon where toxic matter is formed. Also, this will minimize your chances of becoming constipated. Good digestion and colon function is necessary for preventing, clearing, or eliminating acne.


Lecithin is made from soybeans and is found in health food stores in yellow granules. It is an emulsifier, which is a substance that helps fats and nonfats to mixed and stay together without separating.

In the blood, lecithin keeps fats from forming large globes, which can create problems if your arteries are narrow. Lecithin also has many other benefits such as,

* Improves digestion and absorption of essential fatty acids 
* Improves skin problems 
* Improves memory 
* Lowers cholesterol

Add 1-2 tablespoons of granules into your smoothies. Add one or two teaspoons to your soups or other liquid food. Sprinkle one teaspoon or more on your fresh salads.

Chlorophyll and lemon

Chlorophyll is one of the best ways to detoxify the colon fast. Your colon needs to be detoxified constantly to prevent toxins from getting into your blood and seeping into your facial skin where they can create acne. It also helps the skin keep healthy by acting as an

* antioxidant 
* anti-inflammatory 
* anti-microbial agent 
* absorber of heavy metals in the colon

Here are some of the benefits you will get from drinking chlorophyll,

* Heals open wounds inside your body 
* Increases re-growth of tissues 
* Helps to heal sores in your mouth 
* Acts as a antiseptic 
* Destroys bacteria 
* Brings more oxygen to your cells 
* Give protection from low levels of radiation such as TV, computers, microwaves, and hospital equipment 
* Reduces toxins in the colon and body 
* Helps to purify the liver 
* Helps sores heal faster 
* Reduces pain from inflammation

Here's how to prepare it first thing in the morning,

* Place 2-3 tablespoon of plain liquid chlorophyll in an 8 oz glass 
* Squeeze the juice of one whole lemon into the glass 
* Add distilled water to fill the 8 oz glass.

The reason I add one lemon to this drink is to give this drink some flavor. I have a hard time just drinking chlorophyll and water. It has a bland taste. You may try adding the chlorophyll to some other drink if you like.

You cannot overdose on chlorophyll liquid that is why I sometimes drink 2 ounces plus the juice of one lemon in an 8 oz glass of water.
A light and glowing skin complexion is something that everyone longs for. In the quest to attain this, most of us tend to rely on commercial skin products, such as lotions, bleaches and creams. Nevertheless, this tendency seems to be changing as the awareness about natural skin care remedies is increasing. Most often, our kitchen cabinets contain all the natural ingredients necessary to make our skin look lighter and more radiant, that too without the side effects associated with chemical products. All it takes is some enlightenment to explore and apply the remedy that suits us. Read on to learn more!

Virtually every person encounters skin problems at some point in their life, be it acne, darkening, pigmentation, dark spots or wrinkles. Part of these issues can be attributed to the natural process of aging, but many of them are due to pollution, exposure to the sun's ultra-violet rays, stress, hormones, lifestyle, etc. Using natural remedies to lighten your skin complexion, i.e. bleach or whiten your skin,can provide natural clear skin by addressing the underlying problems. Unlike commercial lotions and acne products that cause side effects, natural remedies tend to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin effectively. Fruits and vegetables, such as lemon, orange, papaya and onion that form a part of our regular diet can provide an effective skin care regimen. Almond oil, milk and honey have excellent moisturizing properties, meaning that they serve to prevent skin damage when used in combination with relatively stronger ingredients.

Lemon is a citrus fruit that has natural bleaching properties that help lighten the skin tone and remove acne scars. As part of your daily skin care regimen, you can apply lemon juice on your face with a cotton ball, leave for about five minutes and rinse. Lemon juice can be mixed with honey or almond oil to increase its effectiveness. A facemask of lemon, sandalwood powder and tomato juice will tone and rejuvenate the skin. Allow the mask to dry before rinsing it off. If you are specifically looking for a remedy to heal sunburn-induced skin damage, the best suggestion is to apply a mix of lemon juice and turmeric powder. Both have bleaching properties.

Another citrus fruit that has effective skin-lightening properties is orange. An easy recipe is to grind dried orange peels and mix with yoghurt to make a paste. Apply it on the face and wash after about 15 minutes. This treatment lightens your skin tone and also eliminates blemishes.

Among other remedies, oatmeal is an excellent ingredient to make a skin whitening face mask. Make mixture of oatmeal, yoghurt and tomato juice, apply it on your face, leave for about 20 minutes, and rinse. A solution of equal quantities of white vinegar and water can also lighten your skin. Leave it on the skin for about 10 minutes before washing it off. Onion and vinegar juice provide acne solutions and lighten the skin through exfoliation. Aloe Vera helps in skin regeneration, while potato slices can remove pigmentation.

External natural remedies must be complemented by a healthy and balanced diet. It is important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables and drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated and eliminate toxic substances.

The skin is the largest of the elimination channels. Through the skin toxins are eliminated which are brought to the skin surface from the blood. When the regular elimination channels are sluggish or partial plugged up such as your colon being constipated, not all toxins move out through your feces.

Toxins that accumulate in the colon tend to move into the blood, when colon walls have been weaken through constant constipation or abused through eating excessive junk food. Once in the blood they move into the liver for detoxification.

If you are frequently constipated, than your liver will be overworked and unable to detoxify all of the colon toxins. The liver will store a lot of these toxins in its own tissue and else where in your body's tissues, joints, organs, cells and skin. When your pores are not working properly, excessive toxins in the pores can lead to acne.

When you have excessive toxins and your immune system is not able to detoxify them, these toxins will moved to the skin surface through the blood where they are enter the hair pores - follicles - and try to move to the skin surface. When your pores are not working properly, excessive toxins in the pores can lead to acne.

Body odor is also a result of toxins coming out through the skin that should be moving out through the other elimination channels.

If your body skin is clean and its pores are open and unclogged, toxins will move out through the pores without creating acne, pimples or eruptions. The skin normally moves 1-2 pounds of toxins out of your skin daily.

You can tell when your pores are open. You sweat freely during exercise. If you do not sweat much during hot weather or during exercise, then your skin pores are probably plugged.

To keep your skin active and serving as a good channel of elimination you need to brush your skin daily before you shower or during your shower. When you brush your skin, brush in one direction, starting from your feet towards your heart.

In her book, Detox For Life, 2002, Loree Taylor Jordan, C.C.H., I.D. says,

"One of greatest gifts of health that you can give yourself is the gift of skin brushing. Dry skin brushing in one of the finest of all baths. No soap can wash the skin as clean as the new skin you have under the old. You make new skin on the body every 24 hours. The skin will only be as clean as the bloodstream. Dry skin brushing removes the top layer. This helps to eliminate uric acid crystals catarrh, and various other acids in the body. The skin should eliminate 2 pounds of waste acids daily."

Understanding how your skin lives will help you keep it clean. Brush your skin daily and bring toxins to the skin surface where you can get rid of them during your shower.

Reports show that over 90 percent of all adolescents and almost 25 percent of all adults suffer from acne at some time. Acne affects males and females worldwide, regardless of nationality. 
The most effective methods to combat acne include a combination of prevention and better skincare.

Here are some of the ways you can use to prevent and treat acne:

1. Exercise

Regular exercise can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. But avoid wearing tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits. These synthetic fabrics that tend to trap body moisture and heat, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. Stick to loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends, and keep your sports gear and equipment clean.

2. Safe Cosmetics

To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that can contribute to acne, use products labeled "noncomedogenic" or "oil-free." Opt for "hypo-allergenic" perfumes and cosmetics to avoid allergic reactions and skin irritation. Coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes can cause reactions.

Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clog pores. Use a lip gloss with a matte finish for less pore-clogging. The more the shine, the more then comedogenic content and the more your pores can clog.

3. Healthy Diet

Studies show that diet does not play a role in either the cause or the treatment of acne. However, what is best for your body is best for your skin. So make sure you get enough vitamins, minerals and supplements that have been known and recommended to prevent and help conquer acne breakouts. These include

  • Vitamin A or Retinol (High doses are toxic)
  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • L-Carnitine
  • Zinc

A good quality brand name multivitamin will probably have the recommended vitamins and minerals that you need to help with acne prevention. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day and making good, healthy dietary food choices.

3. Hormonal Treatment

Hormones (or a lack of them) during later years - especially for women - can play a role in acne flare-ups and prevention. One recent study showed that about 50 percent of women have acne, referred to as hormonal acne, problems during the week before their menstruation.

Treatment options include topical retinoids, oral antibiotics and Benzoyl Peroxide for teen years. For adults oral contraceptives or hormonal birth control pills and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) may be helpful for women, combined with systemic or topical treatments, prescription or over-the-counter products and medications.

4. Healthy Skin Regimen

Avoid harsh scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin irritation or possible over production of oil to replace what's washed off, clogging pores in the process. Use products with gentle exfoliation ingredients and skip products that contain alcohol.

5. Acne Products

Some of the more popular products on the market that can prevent acne include:

  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • Proactiv® Solution
  • Salicylic Acid
  • Retinoids
  • Antibiotics
  • Oral Contraceptives
  • Anti-Androgens
  • Isotretinoin (Accutane)

6. Shaving

Shaving is actually an excellent way of exfoliating or removing dead skin to help with the prevention and spreading of acne instead of leaving the remains to clog pores. And for some light acne cases already in process, shaving can help rid whiteheads and blackheads from the face. Do not shave areas that are sore or infected. Use a shaving cream for sensitive skin.

Shave with a sharp blade. Use gentle swipes instead of heavy pressure and go with the flow or "grain." A single-edged blade is better than a twin-blade razor. Electric razors may not shave as close to the skin, but they help with the prevention of acne and other skin breakouts and flare-ups better.

7. Stress

Stress includes external and internal stressors. External Stressors are those that compromise your skin's ability to heal, like oily make-up and too much sun. Internal stressors like anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, depression and a variety of other internalized emotions, can trigger chemical reactions inside your body that can result in acne flare-ups and other skin irritations.

To combat internal stressors and prevent acne problems, get plenty of rest and sleep. Try to maintain regular hours. Keep a check list of "Things that Calm You" handy for stressful times, like reading a book, resting, listening to music, taking a walk, going out for an ice cream cone, etc.

Many doctors and alternative medicine practitioners believe that one essential component of achieving overall bodily health is having a colon that is clean and free of the toxins that can build up over time. Many of these same doctors and alternative medicine practitioners believe that one of the benefits of colon cleansing is the improvement of acne conditions.

One process of colon cleansing is called colon hydrotherapy. This cleansing process involves the gentle bathing of the large intestine, or colon. The purified warm water that is used during colon hydrotherapy helps to remove the poisons, toxic materials, and build-up of waste from the body.

Unlike an enema, which only cleans the first two feet of the large intestine with only a relatively small amount of water, a colon hydrotherapy treatment cleans the colon with between fifteen and twenty-five gallons of water. This water cleans the entire colon and reaches difficult areas and areas where fecal matter tends to gather and build up.

Colon hydrotherapists often recommend that hydrotherapy treatments be received in conjunction with appropriate herbal remedies.

Effective colon hydrotherapy treatments remove not only fecal material, but also excess mucus, bacteria, and parasites. Therapy treatments help to restore the colon to its original shape, which can get distorted over years of accommodating the build up of waste.

The restoration of the colon to its original shape helps it to move out waste materials more effectively. Hydrotherapy treatments can also help the body to have regular bowel movements without the disturbance of constipation and diarrhea.

Those who practice colon hydrotherapy truly believe that this practice rejuvenates the body as a whole. The removal of toxins and poisons helps the body to alleviate many health problems like fatigue, frequent headaches or stomachaches, weight problems, allergies, and various skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne.

Colon hydrotherapy treatments also help the colon to be able to do its job better in the future, excreting wastes more efficiently and keeping polluting toxins out of the body. A colon that is working more efficiently is one that is helping to maintain overall body and skin health.

We don't often think about it, but the skin is actually the body's largest excretory organ. When the colon is clogged with fecal matter, bacteria, and other toxins and waste material, the skin begins to act as an excretory substitute.

Because problematic skin is so often an indication of unhealthy colon in need of cleansing, antibiotics, skin medications, and topical creams may not work well to correct the problem.

Vitamin A is of vital importance to overall skin health, and to maintaining skin that is free of acne and other conditions. Dietary Vitamin A enters the body largely through absorption through the walls of the large intestine, or colon. The colon, in a state of ill health, has a difficult time absorbing adequate amounts of Vitamin A. A healthy colon that has received cleansing hydrotherapy will more effectively absorb Vitamin A, helping the skin to maintain clarity and good health.

Many people who suffer from various skin problems, such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema, find that their skin conditions improve after colon hydrotherapy treatments.

More severe cases of acne tend to be characterized not just by the presence of pimples and blemishes, but also by the formation of nodules or cysts. Acne that involves the development of cysts is called cystic acne.

A cystic acne lesion is much larger than a regular pimple, sometimes 5mm or more in diameter. These lesions can be hard and painful. Cystic acne lesions are filled with pus but should not be squeezed. Squeezing a cystic lesion can lead to a worse infection and inflammation. The lesions are prone to scarring and should be taken care of by a dermatologist, who often uses procedures to reduce swelling and to lessen the likelihood of scar formation.

In severe cases of cystic acne, it may be a good idea to consult a dermatologist about treatment. But there are many holistic remedies and preventative measures one can take against cystic acne. An alternative medicine practitioner should be consulted about some of these holistic remedies, while other more common procedures can easily be performed at home with no medical supervision.

Many dermatologists and alternative medicine practitioners believe that cystic acne can be controlled to some degree through diet. Cystic acne is often the result of an unknown allergic reaction to particular foods.

The first step in controlling cystic acne through diet is to experiment with the systematic elimination of certain foods. It is also helpful to add certain foods to your diet that are known to help in the recovery of severely acne prone skin.

Sugary foods and foods that contain milk or dairy products are commonly the trigger for cystic acne. As you experiment with eliminating these food types, be sure to read package labels closely so that you are not ingesting sugar and dairy products unknowingly. Be aware that it may be several weeks before you notice a change.

Foods containing trans-fatty acids are also a common irritant to skin prone to cystic acne. Foods like margarine, shortening, fried foods, salty snacks, soda, and meat contain trans-fatty acids and should be avoided.

Many people who suffer from cystic acne find that the addition of fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin A carotene can help to ease their condition. These foods include dark leafy vegetables, and yellow-orange vegetables and fruits such as carrots, yams, and squash.

It is also helpful to drink up to four quarts of purified water a day to eliminate toxins and to help the transportation of essential nutrients to the skin.

Cystic acne can also be aggravated by stress. Alternative medicine practitioners often suggest making yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation part of your daily activities. These activities can help to reduce stress levels, thereby decreasing the skin's tendency to produce cystic acne lesions. Getting enough sleep is also essential in holistic therapy treatments.

Sufficient and appropriate cleansing is also an important part of holistically taking care of skin prone to cystic acne.

To clean your skin effectively, wash it gently twice a day using warm water. Do not scrub or use harsh cleansing agents that are abrasive or high in Ph, which can aggravate the condition. Mild soaps are more effective. To dry your skin, pat it gently with a soft towel.

If you are considering treating cystic acne holistically, these tips are a good place to start. You may wish to consult an alternative medicine practitioner about further herbal and holistic therapies.